Pollufresh Exhaust Air Treatment Unit
The Stoddart Pollufresh is specially designed for commercial kitchens operating in sensitive urban locations. Pollufresh Air Purification Units are tailored to each project’s needs to allow horizontal and low-level discharge of exhaust ductwork with reduced separation distances. The Pollufresh’s control system continuously monitors the condition of the filters & fan, regulates the system for optimum ongoing performance and communicates to operation personnel when maintenance is required.
- Kitchen Exhaust Air treatment unit designed to comply with the discharge requirements of AS1668.2 with fractional efficiency to allow low level discharge at reduced separation from openings and inlets
- If the kitchen exhaust air may contain smoke H-11 grade HEPA filters must be included in the unit to prevent undue discharge of contaminants
- UV-C and Ozone generation must be included into the exhaust hoods or added as a UV module to the Pollustop unit
- NFX grade granulated carbon filters must be included in the unit to provide the required exhaust airflow at the static pressure of the system
- The unit must have controls to continuously monitor the system and prevent exhaust operation if filters are not in place and to adjust the fan speed as the filters load up to maintain exhaust airflow and ongoing satisfactory contaminant removal
- The unit must have acoustically insulated panels and be modular in design to be configured for the available space
If the Unit is to be installed externally weatherproof cover structures must be provided
- Brand
- Halton
- Progressive Filtration
- Yes
- UV Treatment
- No
- Capture Jet Technology
- No
- Cold Mist & Hot Wash
- No
- Exhaust System Classification
- Kitchen Exhaust Hood
- Low Wall System
- Yes
- Make Up Air
- No