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  5. Simply Stainless Bar Modules Countertop Beer Station SBM.CTBS
Simply Stainless Bar Module Countertop Beer Station

Simply Stainless Bar Modules Countertop Beer Station SBM.CTBS

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    The Simply Stainless Countertop Beer Station is a great option for your commercial bar. The drop in beer station is constructed from high-quality 304 grade stainless steel (1.2mm thick, no.4 finish), featuring a with a polyurethane board for font attachment.

    GR models include a fully integrated jug rinser with a stainless steel drip tray and chamfered edges.

    Assembling Your Beer Station

    Your Simply Stainless product will arrive to you flat packed, and ready for assembly. Watch the video below for a visual step-by-step guide to assist in assembling your Simply Stainless countertop beer station.

    • Countertop unit
    • High quality 304 grade stainless steel
    • 1.2mm thick no. 4 finish
    • Fully integrate jug rinser (GR Models only) with stainless steel drip tray
    • chamfered edges
    • Polypropylene board for font attachment
    Simply Stainless